Yoga for beginners
The type of Yoga that will be offered to the public will be of a Hatha/Vinyasa type.
The Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga classes are a dynamic style of yoga that, starting from Hatha Yoga, encompasses the teachings of the different traditions of Physical Yoga: stillness in the asana, movement linked to breathing (Vinyasa), development of concentration (Dristhi), activation of internal energy (Bandhas) and Inner silence (Meditation).
Yoga combines the practice of physical postures, breathing and relaxation, benefiting all body systems, promoting complete health. Yoga stretches, strengthens, relaxes, tones, nourishes and improves the physical state of the body.
The fundamentals of the practice of Yoga are breathing, movement of energy and concentration. Thus Yoga balances the energy in our body and develops a state of mental calm and emotional stability. The combination of asanas or postures, breathing, energy work and concentration, leads us to a meditative state, where we connect with our essence, our inner peace and our authentic self.
Hatha-Vinyasa yoga combines conscious breathing, fluidity and stillness, physical and energetic alignment, and the focused mind.
Conscious breathing provides presence, energy and health. Fluidity and warmth provide mobility, strength, flexibility and purification.
Stillness brings awareness, mental stillness, and benefits in deeper systems of the body (nervous, circulatory, endocrine, etc). The principles of physical alignment bring wholeness in postures, health, and energetic movement in the body. The focused mind allows us to bring the gaze inward, expand awareness and approach a state of peace of mind.
The Hatha Vinyasa classes are indicated for people who want a physically active Yoga, they are intense and at the same time respectful of the needs and capacities of each student. We do Vinyasas (movements linked with breathing) in the most active part of the class, maintained asanas, conscious breathing, basic pranayamas, meditation and relaxation.